Outdoor Soccer Information - 2025

  • Outdoor Season Registration: February 1st - March 14th, 2025
  • Outdoor Season Runs May 1st - June 26th, 2025

Registration Steps:

1. Register your child in the appropriate age category with EACCA: https://registration.erindalearborcreek.org/.

  • You must purchase or have a current EACCA membership.

2. For U7/U9 age groups, you must also register with a system called RAMP. Go to EACCA RAMP website via https://www.rampregistrations.com/login?v3=635f2eaf and register your child in the same age group. YOU MUST COMPLETE THIS STEP by March 14th, 2025 for your child to play. This is to ensure they are put on a roster and have insurance through Saskatchewan Soccer.


Please email EACCAsoccer@outlook.com if you are interested in coaching. If a team does not have a coach by March 14th, players will not be able to play and will be refunded.  

SYSI considers U7 and U9 to be non-competitive. Scores are not kept during games.

Age Division Format # of Games # of Practices Game Days


(Born 2021)

Coed Community 3v3

8 games Ernest Lindner Sportsfields

N/A - each game will be 1/2 practice time Tentative: Mondays
Under 5 (Born 2020) Coed Community 3v3

8 games on grass fields

N/A -each game will be 1/2 practice time Tentative: Wednesdays
Under 7
(Born 2018 & 2019)
Boys / Girls

8 games on grass fields

+ 3 games Mini FOS Festival
+ 1 game Timbit Jam

*1 practice per week subject to coach availability Boys - Wed
Girls - Thurs
Possibility of Fridays
Under 9
(Born 2016 & 2017)
Boys / Girls


(includes keeper)

8 games on grass fields

+ 3 games Mini FOS Festival

*1 practice per week subject to coach availability Boys - Mon
Girls - Tues
Possibility of Fridays

* U7 and U9 may have one practice per week with their coach. Practice field and day to be determined by coaches. 

  • Saskatoon Youth Soccer (SYSI) schedules games for U7 and U9. EACCA has no control over the game schedule. 
  • U7 & U9  Teams may decide to participate in the Mini FOS Festival Fri June 6 – Sun June 8 (3 games).
  • U7 Teams may decide to participate in the Timbit Jam on Sun June 22 (1 game).  


Will U7 and U9 be co-ed or will there be a boys/girls team only?  SYS will allow co-ed teams for U7 and U9 if there are not enough players to make a team. If numbers are low our players may be allocated to play on a different community team.  

What equipment do players need? Running shoes and comfortable clothes. Shin guards are recommended for U5-U9. If shin guards are worn, they must be covered with socks to prevent injury to other players. Most of the older players wear soccer cleats. Team shirts and soccer balls are provided.  

Can I coach? What training do I need to Coach?  

Yes! We are always in need of coaches. In fact, if a parent on your child’s team does not step up to coach, we will have to refund your money, and your child will not be able to play. A coach's package will be sent out by SYSI in April. You will be reimbursed by EACCA for any course you are required to take. Most requirements can be completed online.

What if my child’s year of birth is 2015 or earlier? Your child should be enrolled in Youth Soccer through our zone (Aurora Soccer). See www.aurorasoccer.ca and https://www.saskatoonyouthsoccer.ca/

My child is small/inexperienced. Can they play down a level? No, this is not permitted by Saskatoon Youth Soccer.

Late registrations: If there is room on a team after March 14 for U7 and U9, you may be able to register late by contacting the soccer coordinator at EACCAsoccer@outlook.com.  Late registrations are subject to a late fee.  

Why is registration so early? Saskatoon Youth Soccer requires teams to be formed by the middle of March.

Are spots limited? No, there is no registration limit for on-time registrations. If we don’t get enough coaches to volunteer, some players will not be able to play and will be refunded.

When will I get team information? Your coach should email you by mid-April. If you don’t receive an email by April 17, email EACCAsoccer@outlook.com

Refunds: There will be no refunds issued after registration closes.  

Further Contact: Your coach should email you by mid-April. If you do not hear from your coach by April 17th, please check your junk folder and then email EACCAsoccer@outlook.com.  

For registration or program questions please contact EACCAsoccer@outlook.com


All withdrawal requests must be forwarded to the Program Coordinator and not the teacher, coach or team manager. When seeking a full refund of the program registration fees, withdrawal requests must be received by the Program Coordinator before the end of the registration window above. Once registrations are closed, registrations are final. In all cases, the EACCA membership fee is non-refundable. As soon as registration closes (i.e. the next day after registration), some programs will charge a late registration fee. The only time that a late fee would be waived, is if the person/parent decided to coach or teach a program. 

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